
Spotfund Microdonation Web App


Spotfund is a fundraising platform web application

I built, architected, and designed a single page React application for Spotfund, a social micro donation social network.
One of the top fundraisers on Spotfund.
One of the top fundraisers on Spotfund.
In addition to developing a web application that uses React.js and Redux, I set up the deployment and cci pipelines, testing strategies, and general architecture for this growing web application.
The features of the application started with a simple login and donation interface and grew to include user submitted stories as well.
Andrew Martin is available for hire
Available for Hire
I am currently accepting inquiries for new programming projects, particularly those architecting, building, or contributing to sophisticated web applications using modern tooling and frameworks (think TypeScript, React, GraphQL, Node.JS, Elixir, or Ruby on Rails).

You can also e-mail me at or download my resume.