
Lego Store Component Library

Andrew Martin worked alongside a team of engineers at Hyfn Agency to build out a set of reusable dynamic React Components for the Official Lego Online store. These components were meticulously crafted to be used on the production store to millions of users on a monthly basis.
Many of the components used on this page were built in this Component library
Many of the components used on this page were built in this Component library
During the course of this project, we built out hundreds of React components, using Storybook to efficiently prototype and self document the entire journey.
Hyfn is a digital agency in Los Angeles.
Hyfn is a digital agency in Los Angeles.
Andrew Martin is available for hire
Available for Hire
I am currently accepting inquiries for new programming projects, particularly those architecting, building, or contributing to sophisticated web applications using modern tooling and frameworks (think TypeScript, React, GraphQL, Node.JS, Elixir, or Ruby on Rails).

You can also e-mail me at or download my resume.