
BeautyCon Contest Web Application

Believe Labs

BeautyCon Contest Web Application

BeautyCon is a large makeup festival in New York and Los Angeles. I was approached by a development team to handle the engineering of a highly trafficked web application for a mobile contest experience for BeautyCon members.
The app had a bunch of mobile friendly action items
The app had a bunch of mobile friendly action items
The web app was built in React.JS and had a sophisticated API and user-facing backend/dashboard built in Ruby on Rails. We used react-spring to handle the movement and animation on the application; and ultimately it felt like a mobile application.
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The experience was seen by thousands of BeautyCon attendees as they waited in line for the BeautyCon + POP event. The interactive activities on the quiz engaged the users and was a powerful marketing tool.
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Andrew Martin is available for hire
Available for Hire
I am currently accepting inquiries for new programming projects, particularly those architecting, building, or contributing to sophisticated web applications using modern tooling and frameworks (think TypeScript, React, GraphQL, Node.JS, Elixir, or Ruby on Rails).

You can also e-mail me at or download my resume.