
Nasty Gal Blog

Nasty Gal
Nasty Gal is an American fast-fashion retailer that specializes in fashion for young women. The company has customers in over 60 countries. I worked on a first iteration of the Nasty Gal blog. It was built in Wordpress and I worked with their in-house design team to develop and build out the content, working with them on custom publishing and layout.
The current Nasty Gal blog.
The current Nasty Gal blog.
Andrew Martin is available for hire
Available for Hire
I am currently accepting inquiries for new programming projects, particularly those architecting, building, or contributing to sophisticated web applications using modern tooling and frameworks (think TypeScript, React, GraphQL, Node.JS, Elixir, or Ruby on Rails).

You can also e-mail me at or download my resume.