
Alabama Chanin is a Shopify-powered Headless Web App

I built a headless web application for a heavily trafficed e-commerce webstore, Alabama Chanin. The site is powered by Next.js (and React) and uses Shopify's GraphQL API to power the views.
The checkout is facilitated using the Shopify checkout flow, and the cart fulfillment up to the point of purchase is handled in the web app.
The application development included building out an infrastructure pipeline using Ansible on AWS, and the website is served using Amazon's Elastic Load Balancer. All of the hosting infrastructure was built using Terraform.
Andrew Martin is available for hire
Available for Hire
I am currently accepting inquiries for new programming projects, particularly those architecting, building, or contributing to sophisticated web applications using modern tooling and frameworks (think TypeScript, React, GraphQL, Node.JS, Elixir, or Ruby on Rails).

You can also e-mail me at or download my resume.